Kingwell World Industries, Inc. (KWI) is a global enterprise with core competencies in the field of thermal insulation. Our products and services are engineered to make people's life more comfortable and business more profitable by conserving energies. At the same time we want to create value through innovation, growth and social responsibilities. |
Organization KWI is organized into the Manufacturing Group and the Sales Group. The Manufacturing Group consists of seven plants in China each making a specific type of insulation material. The Sales Group has three divisions based on their geographic market coverage. KWI North America services Canada, United Stated and Mexico. KWI Asia Pacific services China, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan and the ASEAN countries. The Kingwell Export Division services the Middle East, Africa, South America and Europe. |
ProductsKWI manufactures seven major types of insulation materials and provides accessories for insulation applications. The KWI Sales Group markets some 5,000 end product items under the brand names of: - in the elastomeric insulation field: Kingflex® K0, Kingflex® K1, Kingflex® K2
- in the polyethylene field: Kinglon®
- in the glass wool field: Kingtex® Aircon, Kingtex® HD, Kingtex® Pro, Kingtex® Enhanced, Kingtex® Roll
- in the rock wool field: Kingroc
- In the poly styrene field: Kingfoam
- In the phenolic field: Kingdex
- In the aluminum silicate field: Kingcon
Locations KWI is represented around the world by over 30 countries. Global headquarters are in Langfang, China with sales offices in Portland US, Hong Kong and Soul Korea.
Human Resources The top management members at KWI are all veterans of the insulation industry. Our research and development team are the top-notch professionals in the fields of polymer and chemical engineering. Lean manufacturing is adopted in most of the manufacturing sites monitored by in-house certified Black Belts. The sales and marketing team is always full of new ideas. It is a group of young and energetic people equipped with wireless communication gears enabling them to work around the clock |