King Glue

KingGlue 520 adhesive is a contact adhesive in yellow to brown color specifically designed for joining seams and butt joints of Kingflex tube and sheet insulations for line temperatures up to 120oC (250oF). The adhesive may also be used to apply Kingflex sheet insulation to flat or curved metal surfaces operating at temperatures up to 82oC (180oF). Other KingGlue products include KingGlue 520B which is identical in properties with 520 yet black in color, KingGlue 520LV which is low VOC and black color, KingGlue
625 which is supplement to Kingflex HF (refer to Kingflex HF product brochure for technical details).
All KingGlue products remain soft and elastic after dried, providing the same physical properties as Kingflex insulations. The unique formulation of KingGlue products provide high bonding power and extended life time to ensure airtight of insulation systems.
Solids content: 23% (520、520B and 625); 30% (520LV)
Coverage: approximately 5m2/L
Shelf life (Storage temperature 60oF(16oC) to 80oF(27 oC)): 1.5 Yr (520、520B and ?
625); 2 Yrs (520LV)
Drying time: Minimum 3-5 mins in normal environment
Mix well, and apply only to clean, dry and oil-free surfaces. For best results, the adhesive should be brushed in a thin coat to both bonding surfaces. When slightly dried, allow the adhesive to tack with some pressure to make the bonding firmly.
The optimum application temperature is above 40oF(4oC). When between 32oF
(0oC) to 40oF(4oC), exercise additional care in applying the adhesive and closing the joint. It is not recommended to apply the product in temperaturebelow 32oF(0oC).
In normal temperature, allow 24 to 36 hours of drying time; at least 36 hours inhigher temperature. When flat surfaces are full with adhesive coverage, allowat least 7 days before the insulation system becomes fully functional. Dilution is not recommended.
For cleaning, use ketone-type or most lacquer thinners.