
Kingflex xFoil is an innovative insulation material combining elastomeric foam with metal sheet cover. In addition to all general Kingflex insulation features, xFoil provides combined advantages of elastomeric material and inorganic metal materials.
The Kingflex elastomeric foam’s closed cell structure can effectively retard heat flow and prevent condensation when properly installed. The metal lamination provides extremely high water vapor resistance, weather resistance and mechanical properties superior to rubber based foam.
For Kingflex xFoil sheet insulation sizes available please refer to the latest Kingflex Insulation Price List.
﹣297°F to ﹢220°F(﹣183°C to ﹢105°C) temperature range
0.008 perm-inch (1.16×10-13Kg/m?s?Pa ) water vapor transmission
0.27 Btu-in. /h?ft2? °F (0.039W/mK ) thermal conductivity values
Flame-spread index of less than 25 and smoke-developed index of less than 50 APPLICATIONS
Kingflex xFoil sheet insulation is used to retard heat transmission and control condensation from chilled-water and refrigeration systems. It also efficiently reduces heat transfer for hot-water plumbing and liquid-heating and dual-temperature piping.
Kingflex xFoil is ideal for applications in:
Large piping and fittings
Curved and irregular surfaces and all types of fitting covers
Kingflex xFoil is installed using KingGlue 520, 520B or 520LV Adhesive. For application to large, flat or curved metal surfaces full adhesive coverageattachment is applied.
All Kingflex insulation must be properly installed to ensure maximum efficiency and long lasting performance. Refer to the Kingflex Insulation Installation Manual fordetailed instructions.