HF Roll

All Kingflex elastomeric insulations are engineered and manufactured for HVAC and other industrial applications. With closed cell structure Kingflex insulations effectively retard heat flow and prevent condensation when properly installed. The environmental friendly materials are manufactured without the use of CFC’s, HFC’s or HCFC’s. They are also formaldehyde free, low VOCs, fiber free, dust free and resistant to mold and mildew.
Kingflex HF Roll contains no chlorides, fluorides, bromides or PVC. It is specially formulated for thermal efficiency and condensation control in marine and offshore environment that require specific protection against smoke containing acid gases.
Kingflex HF Roll remains flexible at temperatures from-297℉(-183℃) to +300℉ (+150℃) with intermittent exposure to +350℉(+175℃). Kingflex HF provides exceptional ozone and ultraviolet resistance.
Kingflex HF Roll provides low thermal conductivity, good fire behavior, low temperature flexibility, and excellent protection against heat flow and water vapor diffusion.
For Kingflex Roll insulation sizes available please refer to the latest Kingflex Insulation Price List.
﹣297°F to ﹢300°F(﹣183°C to ﹢150°C) temperature range
0.08 perm-inch (1.16×10-13Kg/m?s?Pa ) water vapor transmission
0.30 Btu-in. /h?ft2? °F ( 0.043W/mK ) thermal conductivity values
Kingflex HF Roll is ideal for nonhalogen insulation applications in:
Marine and shipboards
Offshore facilities
Large piping and fittings
Dual temperature and low pressure steam lines
Kingflex HF Roll is installed using KingGlue 625 Adhesive. For application to large, flat or curved metal surfaces full adhesive coverage attachment is applied.