K0 sheet & roll

All Kingflex elastomeric insulations are engineered and manufactured for HVAC and other industrial applications. With closed cell structure Kingflex insulations effectively retard heat flow and prevent condensation when properly installed. The environmental friendly materials are manufactured without the use of CFC’s, HFC’s or HCFC’s. They are also formaldehyde free, low VOCs, fiber free, dust free and resistant to mold and mildew.
Kingflex K0 Sheet & Roll outperforms in fire resistance, water vapor permeability and thermal conductivity features. Its unique formulation makes it an ideal choice for extreme design conditions such as high humidity and low line temperature.
Kingflex K0 Sheet & Roll has excellent fire performance meeting the Class O & Class 1 accordance with BS 476 Part 6 & Part 7.
For Kingflex K0 Sheet & Roll insulation sizes available please refer to the latest Kingflex Insulation Price List.
﹣297°F to ﹢220°F(﹣183°C to ﹢105°C) temperature range
0.08 perm-inch (1.16×10-13Kg/m?s?Pa ) water vapor transmission
0.27 Btu-in. /h?ft2? °F ( 0.039W/mK ) thermal l conductivity values
Fire performance with Class O & Class 1